Information about the company
The Aquabox company has been on the Uzbek market since 2017. With our company, many people throughout Uzbekistan started their own profitable business selling water. Start earning money with us!

Company goals, vision and aspirations
- Our main goal is to provide the population with access to high-quality, fresh and affordable drinking water of high quality.
- We keep our devices in working condition through timely maintenance and strict adherence to filter replacement schedules.

Clean water is a significant contribution to your health
Our water goes through 10 stages of filtration, it is absolutely pure, rich in minerals and useful elements for every person. Be sure that every day you drink clean and safe water, thanks to Aquabox devices.
We want everyone to be able to drink clean water, even if they're on a budget. At Aqua Box, we are committed to a future where everyone can drink clean, safe water. This will lead to improved health and happiness. We are committed to being part of the global effort to solve the clean water problem and ensure a sustainable future for the next generations.
We constantly strive to innovate and improve devices to meet the growing needs of our customers
Усердно работаем над качеством, доступностью и экологической устойчивости. Мы стремимся стать лучшими в области решений водоподготовки фильтрации питьевой воды. Наши специалисты стремятся установить новые стандарты в отрасли и способствовать положительным изменениям в том, как люди используют воду и получают ее.

The price of cleanliness, why the cost is justified
Our partners have received a ready-made business that brings them constant passive income, and they have the opportunity to engage in other areas of business. For 7 years, none of the partners regretted it. The payback period for the project is currently 9-15 months. Profitability of at least 60% per year.